We travelled to Rügen island on the Baltic Sea this year, for just one week.
The bed of our truck was full of childs bicycles, a big tent, camping stuff and the tandem.
Weather was perfect, not too hot and our camping ground was just 100m away from the beach.
Our childs were most interested in playing on the beach and swimming in the waves.
I'm proudly present my self build "Pyramides of Gizeh".
The scale was slightly different from the original and they were washed away after two days, because the "Nile" was on high tide.
We managed to left the car in the parking lot and used the tandem and bicycles instead, to make the way to the nearby market.
Cape Arcona with it's two lighthouses was just 4 or 5km away and thus a nice reason for a bicycle tour.
As you can imagine, we got a lot of positive attention and friendly comments about our tandem.
Cape Arcona
Harbor of Vitt
In some cases the bicycle paths were too narrow to drive on with a 1,2m/4ft wide sociable, especially the very beautyful path on the northern shore of the Wittow peninsula, wich I had driven on last year with my one tracked Peer Gynt recumbent.
And these roads with two separated track stripes, which are not a problem for a normal car, were sometimes a little bit tricky to drive with the tandem, because the small rear track is just 5-10cm/2-4inches wider than the grass stripe in between.
It was very difficult to keep both rear wheels on their track stripes.
Our over all distance we had cycled during vacation was just 60km.
Not THAT much, but child friendly.